• Plastic Free St Ives

    Photo by Simon Godfrey

    Plastic Free St Ives

    Here at Cornish Riviera Holidays we’re Plastic Free Champions, part of the Surfers Against Sewage campaign. Although we don’t use much plastic within the office we have, however, still managed to identify at least 3 avoidable single use plastics and have pledged to eliminate these but we are always looking to go further. We are asking our property owners and cleaners to switch to alternatives that don’t use so much plastic.

    Do you want to do your bit?

    We believe small baby steps lead to a huge difference, simply by making a few painless changes in our lives:

    • Reduce, reuse, refill, recycle
    • Don’t flush anything down the loo except loo paper
    • Choose loose over packaged produce
    • Don’t tip any oils, fats or grease down the sink
    • Buy sustainable toiletries

    Photo by Simon Godfrey
    Photo by Richard Bell


    • Take a reusable shopping bag and shop in local independent stores, for example The Allotment Deli where they stock locally sourced fruit and veg
    • Re-usable bottle: there are quite a few places around St Ives that offer a free water re-fill service
    • Put your packed lunches in reusable containers – please don’t use clingfilm or foil.
    • Obtain bamboo or steel utensils and re-use them on your holiday
    • Avoid single-use plastics in the bars, restaurants, cafes: e.g. refuse straws

    Having a beach day?

    • Take all rubbish to the nearest bin and recycle where possible
    • Avoid buying cheap polystyrene body boards as they break easily
    • Avoid buying buckets and spades to use for just the one visit – remember yours from home or go without
    • Pick up any rubbish you see so it doesn’t get washed into the sea
    • Do a #2minutebeachclean before you leave
    • Download the Tidal Revival app and get rewarded for removing plastic waste from the beach.

    Photo by Sarah
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